Dice Coin Rock is designed for simulating to throw "Dice" and "Coin", to play "Rock, Scissors, Paper".
1. Simulate throwing "Dice" and "Coin". Analyse the thrown result.
2. Simulate playing "Rock, Scissors, Paper". Analyse the played result.
Targeted to the person:
1. This is a well-known chess games higher, Thinking back childhood partners with small parabolic flight playing dice game of the scenarios also remember? Maybe you can throw 10000 dice and play the game very quickly.
2. Use this software to play "Rock, Scissors, Paper" with other guy, I think they much think about you are Crazy, Popular, Computer da. and if this software win, i am sure you and opponent must be surprised.
3. who want to throw "Dice" and "Coin" to make a decision.
Finally, i really cautioned you not to use this software to make a important decision.
Maybe one day, the computers will rule the human? just using this software to have a fun day.
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